Prudence Cabot, knows that her future is looking more bleak than ever. With the two scandals that her two older sisters have caused, Prudence has no prospects or suitors, and she knows that she will end up a spinster. She is tired of seeing her family embracing their husband and children, without realizing what their actions have done to her. So when she has an opportunity to have a adventure for the first time in her life, she takes it. She then meets an american man who makes her want to live life…Roan Matheson. Roan, has come to England in search of his wayward sister, and bring her home to her fiancée. When he bumps into beautiful Prudence, he is overwhelmed with desire, As they find themselves forced to survive on their own through a set of circumstances, Prudence and Roan discover a fierce desire, a desire that develops into something more, and soon Prudence will have a difficult choice to make…Roan or her life in England…
Roan Matheson is a man of responsibility, he is devoted to the family business, and working as hard as possible, to make sure he doesn’t disappoint his father. When he learns that his younger and very spoiled sister, has run off to England, he is furious and goes out in search of her. Roan is a character that you come to enjoy quite a bit. He is a bit of a rogue…but a honorable one. He is an American, so he has that rough and gritty exterior, but he will do anything for those he loves. I love how dedicated he is to finding his sister, that despite her foolish actions…he still wants her to be happy. Roan is a hero that I fell in love with, because even though he has certain “scoundrel” traits, he also has honor and integrity, and is fiercely loyal.
Prudence, grew up with three sisters, two older and one younger. Prudence has always been especially close to her mother, but following a carriage accident her mother goes mad. Prudence is by the book on what is proper, she has always followed the rules and never entered into any kind of scandal. She has done everything she could to make a good and decent match and secure her future. But when her sisters make horrendous scandal…Prudence is left with the consequences. What I loved about Prudence is how practical she is…she isn’t a day dreamer like her sisters who tend to see things as they want them to be rather than as they really are. She knows she is destined to live a spinster life, and her future seems bleak…but she doesn’t back down…instead she wants to live life for once in her life…to experience and have some adventure. Because she knows that she will live a life alone for the rest of her life. I love how she goes after what she wants, despite what her family says. From the very beginning, my heart ached for her…because in the previous two books we have seen what scandal has done to her. Prudence although very logical and practical, wants love and a home and children, she is fierce and passionate, and wants to spread her wings.
The Scoundrel and the Debutante was a bit different to read for me, since the previous two books I was able to get through whispersync and Audible…but this story, since its fairly new wasn’t available in that form yet, so I had to go with E book. The beginning really grabbed at me, from the first page I was hooked because of Prudence. I was warned by my lovely friend Anna about the sisters. Now since I had read the previous two books, I was not surprised by how they treated Prudence. Because quite frankly they tend to be a bit self-absorbed at times. At the beginning, they act like Prudence hasn’t been touched by scandal….basically they are very ignorant in this story. And toward the end there….I will be honest I wanted to wring their necks…they are just awful to Prudence. But what was most fun was seeing Prudence and Roan come together and have a bit of adventure together and fall in love along the way. This story’s theme is a bit of star-crossed lovers…one is British and the other is American….and their lives are so different from one another. But they both know that they can’t be together. Although if I was Prudence I would so cross the sea to be with the man I loved….but she is a bit more reserved and thinks too much (which is a quality that I can easily relate with) Roan has the patience of a saint though, he puts himself out for Prudence and puts his heart and trust to her, but we see how Prudence has to make a decision that if she decides Roan her family will suffer even more…and she knows exactly what that is like. She would never to do that to them. But what became most endearing was seeing how eventually her family comes through and earns back a little respect in my eyes…I love the way the story wraps up and boy definitely a tear jerker!! Oh boy I just fell in love with these two as a couple, and even there were a couple of times in the story I had a hard time keeping my attention to….seriously my favorite couple so far!! They won me over heart, body and soul!! And sweet lil ole’ Mercy…she is still so crazy and full of energy and passion. I hope we get her story soon…I have a feeling it will be a whopper. Because she is a bit wild and would love to see what she is like when she become an adult. They won me over heart, body and soul!!
What I love most about the cover is how sensual yet tender at the same time. It just makes me what to look at it forever. And I love the blue tones.
This is a story that is bound to captivate its reader, a tale of spreading your wings, embracing life, and finding the most fierce love along the way in the journey, and hold nothing back from going after what you want most. A BREATHTAKING ROMANCE!!