Caged Heat is the second in this series, and just came out last year. I read the first one Sharp Change a little while back. I really enjoyed Sharp Change quite a bit, so I thought I would try out Caged Heat. Caged Heat is a story about Riel and Sam. Sam has just returned home from teaching, and her grandmother has passed away, and she has received all of her inheritance, and all of the other family members are angry, and some have issued threats. While Ry and Sam are working on their relationship in being together, and being mates, Sam's life starts being put at risk. Caged Heat is definitely a sensually written paranormal romance that will get the heart thumping and blood flowing. I enjoyed the suspense aspect to the plot, it added more to the story than this couple having sex like bunnies. Its fun to have these scenes but at the same time I like more focus on the relationship-emotionally. I didn't feel like there was much focus on that, as it was on the previous book. If you are up for a very very HOT and sexy read, this one is for you. The writing is detailed and vivid, and I enjoyed the characters, and seeing them together was very erotic at times. I will be trying this author out more, but I would have liked a bit more focus on the relationship rather than the sex. But if your in the mood for a very steamy hot read, this is for you!!